Erratic/Instability-related Coined Disorders
Coined disorders with a focus on erraticness or instability.
Erratic Disorder (ErD)
Erratic Disorder is a MUD defined by erratic and unpredictable behavior and symptoms. This may manifest as the individual seeming to act like a different person each day, having no or little consistent traits and major fluctuations in physical and mental health. It may feel as if every aspect of the self is chosen randomly.
The individual will have a "base state" that reflects their most common self. For example, my autism, radqueer identity and fibromyalgia, among other things, are all part of my base state.
A change is a deviation from the "base state" and last for any amount of time. Changes are frequent and someone with ErD will usually be experiencing at least one change at any moment in time, although they may not be able to immediately identify it. Some changes may become part of one's "base state". A change can be a difference in personality, behavior, identity, severity or symptoms of other disorders, physical state, mental state, emotional state, memories and every other aspect of a person. These changes can also include the tempory loss or gaining of disordered symptoms
This state of constant change may cause one to exprience depersonalisation or loss of identity. It may even cause one to develop neurogenic plurality(although somebody can be both plural and have ErD, switching of headmates is not the cause of the changes).
Summary of Symptoms:
- Inconsistent personality traits, beliefs, opinions, likes/dislikes etc.
- Unpredictable behavior patterns
- Seemingly random symptoms of other disorders that will disappear after a random period of time
- Often times fluid, complex or forever questioning identities
- Any other disorders a person has will also be erratic in nature. Like randomly changing in severity or having random triggers for symptoms/episodes
- Having inconsistent memories of events and what one remembers
- Having emotions that can change randomly often leading to inappropriate emotional responses
- Depersonalisation caused by a constantly changing self leaving one with little sense of who they are
Moon Erratic Disorder (MED)
TW: S/H mention, repeating words
A disorder that happens / triggered when one sees the half moon, full moon, near full moon, ect. This can be worse or better on the blood moon. There is no cure or treatment.
Signs and symptoms include:
- Repeating 'nonsensical' phrases ("I need to bleed" "do you need to bleed" "are you ok", ect)
- Suddenly feeling the urge to "make themselves bleed" (S/H)
- Irregular breathing, chest feeling 'euphoric'
- Wanting to go into the woods or a private place.