Medically Unrecognized Sicknesses (MUSes)

A sickness that does not currently exist or is not currently recognized by medical professionals. ALT COINING: This term is similar to MUD/Medically Unrecognized Disorder, except it is for Illnesses and sicknesses. Terms that would fall under this would be the coining of fictional sickness and or illnesses that no longer exist anymore that you feel you should have/want to have.


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Chronic Regression Syndrome

Chronic Regression Syndrome is an illness where the affected will have the effects of feeling weak and faint, doesn't have energy to do much or lack of motivation, feeling scared and confused, and will often regress into a younger state of mind. As far as we know it is not contagious and does not have the capabilities of killing the affected.


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Hemogenic Anemia Syndrome

Hemogenic Anemia Syndrome is a sickness that makes the affected constantly cry even if they aren't upset, they have constant nosebleeds and often get dizzy. Constant sweating and tingly skin, they are always tired and their hair falls out in patches. This illness is deadly and contagious.

Hemogenic - relating to the production of blood cells (We can only assume the affecteds blood cells are able to be created at quick speeds or else they would've been dead at this point)

Anemia - loss of blood (Affected shows multiple symptoms for loss of blood but their body is able to produce more blood despite bleeding constantly.)


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Chronic Regression Syndrome

Chronic Regression Syndrome is an illness where the affected will have the effects of feeling weak and faint, doesn't have energy to do much or lack of motivation, feeling scared and confused, and will often regress into a younger state of mind. As far as we know it is not contagious and does not have the capabilities of killing the affected.


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Lunar Sickness (LS)

Lunar sickness disorder is an medical unrecognized sickness (mus) that is characterized by a specific set of symptoms that occur at night. This could be a symptom of a disorder or something that occurs on its own

Treatment/cure: none currently though rest is highly recommended

Symptoms are but not limited to (emeto + blood warning):

  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Shakiness
  • Nosebleeds
  • Random jolts of energy
  • Headache
  • Muscle Ache
  • Shooting pains
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    Ocular Hysteria

    Ocular Hysteria. Both a psychological and physical illness.

    Psychological Symptoms:

  • Panic attacks
  • Aggression regarding people seeing their eyes/looking into them.
  • Physical Symptoms

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Temporary Blindness
  • It is not contagious!


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